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319 participants so far!
The impact and force of people working alltogether for one overall objective is inspiring me like nothing else on this planet. That`s why I decided to
Supply chains are the focus of my research and teaching activities. My research is focused on supply chain configurations that support the implementat
I would say I'm mostly a consumer of goods. However, I do work in research and teaching, where I help come up with new ideas and explain concepts to
Sourcing organic beef from farm in Devon, i know the source, know the quality and can specify the delivery date. This then sets in place a slaughter
Considering that pretty much everything around us touches a supply chain, whether we realise it or not, there are a lot of potential examples! In a r
I research climate change for the EU. My work is used to define policy; the policies are imposed on&nb
I sit on breakfast and have cereals, milk and fruits all coming in from different continents. If supply chain did not exist, I would be rather workin
I buy stuff from tesco, those things have probably had hundreds of companies involved in the production of every ingredient, buying equipment, trainin
Everything I purchase (service or article) is part of a supply chain, what I want is simplicity and speed in how I interact with that purchasing actio
I'm a PhD student working on the metal recovery. my place is in the loop between the end of the supply chain and the beginning, as I take the use mat
I am at the very beginning of the supply chain. I work as a PhD student towards developing the fundamental understanding towards creating new high str
I was once involved in a project where we looked at our product catalog and found several overlaps. Streamlining the product range helped like aggrega
For me, supply chains and logistics always made complete sense. From the start in high school, supply chains sounded logical and easy to understand. L
Since I am originally from a small village, and my parents are still living there, I wanna show you how we get our fresh vegetables delivered. As my
when I was in school, I read an article about a supply chain manager taking care of a w/h. it said, that he has a great degree in order to be in this