My journey in Supply Chain has lasted 7 years now but I’d like to focus on the last challenge I’ve been in, as the title of my story says, it was “Bringing a Supply Chain to life”. I have the great opportunity to work at a new built site for biomedicines.

When me and the rest of the team joined there was almost nothing in place to have a funtioning Supply Chain, and that is were our journey started. Establishing this supply chain has meant:
– Contacting Suppliers
– Test and approve the IT systems we needed to manage our Supply Chain
– Work crossfuntionally to build a process to create and purchase materias in SAP
– Understand our role in the global network that our organisation belongs to
-Budget and forecast
– Find our stakeholders on site but also globally
-Desing processes and routnies
– Warehouse and line capacity
– and many other activities

My current spot in teh supply chain gives me the opportunity to lead but also explore new areas that are part of a supply chain design and decision making. Build a supply chain from scratch is very satisfying when things fall into place but it also show how complex they can be and prove themselves challenging.