
Where do you fit in?

Not all supply chains are food related but most of us play a role in a supply chain somewhere. We're all connected and we'd love to hear your MyChainReaction story. You can share it with us by completing the form below

    By ticking this box you agree to participate in the ‘MyChainReaction’ research project undertaken by the University of Warwick. Any data you provide will belong to the University of Warwick and be treated confidentially and anonymously by the team. For more information please download and read the attached Participant Information Leaflet.
  • For example : https://youtu.be/r9aE5gNSXxA
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
    Larger files may take a while to upload on submitting the form. Please be patient. If your file is very big, why not embed it from YouTube?
  • By clicking below you can submit your story and see how you fit in on our story map.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Invite your friends to share their MyChainReaction story